The little leprechauns are at work looking for that pot of gold while the menehunes(Hawaii's version of leprechaun) are chasing beautiful rainbows across our pasture. They've yet to find anthing but the chase is good exercise!!!!
This site is operated and funded by members of our class.
Class Administrator: Donna Lee Myers Gardner
Page Hits: 111,532
70 Year Reunion Announcement!
South High School's 100th anniversary celebration
Aloha Classmates:
I ;have received word that SHAFI and the high school itself are thinking about celebrating South's openeing in 1926. Imagine, 100 years. Hard to believe. What a wonderful time to get our class together to celebrate its 70th anniversary. There must surely we can some way piggyback our reunion to the one that is being planned for the school. I have heard from a number of you who live at a distance that are willing to travel to a reunion. Who I have not heard from is anyone living in the greater Denver area, either to attend or more importantly help in any small way. I am going to get in touch with Francis Tafoya who does the FaceBook page for SHAFI, she has good contacts with the reunions scheduled at South. If there is anyone out there who is interested in attending or helping in a small way with a reunion next year please email me, cut and paste my address into your own email program. [email protected] Hope to see you at South in 2026.
Aloha Classmates:
I've received this interesting suggestion from Glenn Ward, of Highland Ranch, CO, in regards to a possible reunion site for next year. Glenn and I would like to hear from all of you in regards to a possible reunion and if this site is of interest to you. Please either email me at [email protected] or contact Glenn. You can also use the Class News chat box below this reunion box on the class website to respond.
From Glenn:
Highlands Ranch Metro District (Colorado) is building a very nice Senior Center which is scheduled for an opening in October 2024.
The Senior Center Newsletter has offered rooms for rental. Which might provide a site for an attempt at a one day gathering for 2025......I have received information about the use of this facility and after a quick look it appears that it would serve the purpose of a short one-day gathering. Do you think an inquiry on the web site could be made as to whether there would be any interest in gathering at this location in September of 2025 realizing that this is a year early, but time waits for no one.
Glenn points out that this website gets at least 30 "hits" a day!!! I know that there have been more than 28,000 hits since I last counted and I know that there are not that many of us alive but to hear from you are that are visiting this website please do check in with an email to me. I do try to respond in a reasonable time. Yes, I am alive, kicking and still at the computer most days.
3/5/2024 apologies for being late.
Between having Covid at Christmas, which took my soulmate of 64 years, and minor annoying computer problems...... I think I am back on track of some kind. A bit of a backlog to catch up on
. . .
11/6/2022 The passing of John "Jack" Petersen and Glenda Thedford Murray
I have received recently notice of the passing of Jack Petersen and Glenda Thedford. I have posted interesting obituaries that you will find when you click on the Deceased link in the Direc
. . .
7/4/2022 Yes, Steward Jacoby is still alive!!
Yes, Steward is still alive and kicking, I got a very nice email from him concerning his seemingly demised status. A quick check with the program indicated that he is still listed as alive
. . .
I attended Lincoln Elementary School, Byers Jr. High, and South High School.
After one year at South, I quit and worked for a short time before enlisting in the U.S. Marine Corp. After a short time with a Marine airwing in California I was attached to the American Embassy in the Phillipines, and then New Zealand. After 4 years and a grade of Sergeant, I left the Marines and went to work at FW Woolworth, in California.
After 10 years with a position as store Manager I left and went to work for King Sooper as a buyer, Safeway as a buyer and spent the rest of my career at SuperValu. I retired February 26, 2011.
I was director of buying in Saudi Arabia with Safeway, during a peaceful time.
I finished my high school in the Marine Corp and Graduated from Metropotan State in Denver with a degree in business.
I have been overseas 6 years of my career from the Far east to the Mideast plus some areas in between.
I am happily married to a very wonderful lady Evie Martin-Bauer. She is retired now but taught 7th and 8th graders at Cherry Creek for 26 years. She received her masters in Greeley. She's the light of my life. We have been married almost 25 years.
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"Just discovered your product today while trying to locate classmates ahead of our 50th reunion in 2020. The fact that you did this in a noncommercial manner in a world where everything has a price tag deserves recognition and respect, in my view.
Thank you and good luck in all your endeavors."
"THANKYOU so much for handling this for us! We are so appreciative! It looks GREAT!"
"Thank YOU for helping us get the word out! I've posted a link to the website on our FB group page and vigorously encouraged other classmates to contribute"
"Your site is amazing. Kudos to you and your staff. You have benefitted so many high school alumni in organizing their class reunions."
"Thanks to our class website played a huge part in the success of our Reunion. We greatly appreciate your wonderful support."
"Thanks for all your hard work and ingenious spirit."
"Thanks guys, you are Good!!"
"I love your service and will continue to support you."
"We have been using the website for more than 10 years now. It's still the best website out there for classmates to meet, collect their info and advertise their reunions. Thanks for inventing it all!"
"Thank you for your assistance. It was very helpful. Looks good!"
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