4/27/2009 Check out these other sites!
In addition to our Class Report site, you may want to hop on Facebook to find the Shawnee Mission West Class of 1979 Reunion page. As of April 27th, there are over 100 members.
Also, we hav
. . .
I moved to Dallas the beginning of my Senior year. It was hard to leave all the friends I made in Overland Park after living there for almost six years.
I married Greg Bracke on April 18, 1987. We have three children, Caitlyn,Hannah,and Weston.
I went to Stephen F. Austin Univerisity
and finished up at the Art Institute of Dallas.
I'm working as an Interior Designer for Ethan Allen in Garalnd Texas.
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"Just discovered your product today while trying to locate classmates ahead of our 50th reunion in 2020. The fact that you did this in a noncommercial manner in a world where everything has a price tag deserves recognition and respect, in my view.
Thank you and good luck in all your endeavors."
"THANKYOU so much for handling this for us! We are so appreciative! It looks GREAT!"
"Thank YOU for helping us get the word out! I've posted a link to the website on our FB group page and vigorously encouraged other classmates to contribute"
"Your site is amazing. Kudos to you and your staff. You have benefitted so many high school alumni in organizing their class reunions."
"Thanks to classreport.org our class website played a huge part in the success of our Reunion. We greatly appreciate your wonderful support."
"Thanks for all your hard work and ingenious spirit."
"Thanks guys, you are Good!!"
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"We have been using the website for more than 10 years now. It's still the best website out there for classmates to meet, collect their info and advertise their reunions. Thanks for inventing it all!"
"Thank you for your assistance. It was very helpful. Looks good!"
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