4/12/2024 REBEL MUSTER #40
THS 40th Muster will be April 20th 4pm - 8pm @ Baker Street Pub & Grill on S. Lamar.
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Here is a photoshow using school pictures of the Class of '63. Deceased class members are not included. See the "Gone But Not Forgotten" video below for those who have passed away.
Video of
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Class Reunion Poem
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How does one cover 40 plus years in a short bio??? I attended Southwest Texas for one year, graduated from Durhams Business School and married Will Thurman Jr. in July of 1964. Will and I were blessed with two boys, Brock and Brent, with sports and rodeo being a great part of their childhood. My fondest memories are of their childhood, good and bad. All of which I can look back on today and smile. Although the success of our marriage was not to be, our frienship and devotion to our children, lasted until Will's passing in February of 2007.
I worked alongside Will in our Catering Company for many years and obtained my real estate license in the early 1980's. By the mid and late 80's I was close to "starvation" waiting for the real estate market to re-invent itself and decided I it was time to try and find a real job with a regular pay check! Well, friends are an incredible gift from God! Jane Wolff Thompson and Steve Thompson had recently purchased a bingo supply company and kindly said we could give it a try..... and nineteen years later we are still giving it a try. The opportunity to work with Jane has truly been my salvation from "starvation" and has provided me the will to put one foot in front of the other after losing my youngest son in December of 1994. I shall forever be indebted to she and Steve for walking beside me during my up's and down's of life as we know it!
Looking back, my meomories of our school years, the life lessons that my father so aptly taught and the blessings of raising and enjoying my children, the incredible friends that I have been blessed with are surely the highlights of my life. What life has in store for the future remains a mystery but it will hopefully be faced with grace and dignity
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