Wm. B. Travis High School 1960
This site is operated and funded by members of our class.
Class Administrator: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Page Hits: 79,671
Class News
Death of Trudy Reynolds Wiley
My heart aches on hearing of the death of Trudy Reynolds Wiley on September 23 at her home in Zorn, TX.
Trudy was born in Austin, TX, on March 17, 1942, the eldest born to Elizabeth Dee Ky
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Parting thoughts from George Bruce Mading
Bruce, GB, George, Dad, Pop...
No matter what you called him (or what he called YOU), we know George would have been the first to say he lived an extraordinary life with an extraordinary pa
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Death of Freda Crawford Brown
I apologize for this late posting of the death of Freda Crawford Brown on August 11, 2018. It was incorrectly posted in the "Class Message Board" section.
Freda is survived by her husband,
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Our Class Message Board
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In September 1954, The American Statesman started a column called "Tri-High Scoop". A student from each high school wrote about the happenings at their school and then it was published in the Sunday paper. Each school had a "catchy" name, Austin was Maroon Musings, McCallum was 'Callum Clues and Travis was Travis Drawl. Enjoy reading about the days when you were at Travis.
Travis Drawl By Mike Hinton September 14, 1958
Rebel-land's week started with Student Council Representatives elected in each advisory. Senior representatives are Judy Bryson, Rose Dombi, Douglas Hooper, Josephine McAuley, Linda North, Nancy Sappington, Nancy Thomas, and Jim McNeeley. The Juniors chose Jim Browder, Sharon Dillard, Gary Haldeman, Larry Hibler, Melodee Knorre, Raymond Mosteller, Trudy Reynolds, Buddy Sladek, and Lenora Ward. Representatives from the new Sophomore class are Judy Atkins, Linda Buaas, Martha Dawson, Dick Francis, Eva Henriksen, Cecelia Lawrence, Bill McKinney, Carolyn Payton, Ken Rigsbee, Linda Sappington, Janet Struhall, and Mary Ann Wolff. Those who have previously attended Student Council conventions are Betty Wright, Nancy Sappington, Nancy Thomas, and Judy Bryson.
A late arrival to the teaching staff is Mrs. Frances Hall, new Journalism sponsor and English teacher. She taught in Kansas, and came to us from Atlanta, Ga. Her husband, Charles E. Hall is chaplain at the State Hospital. Her daughter, Kathie, is a sophomore at McCallum. Barbara and Charles are enrolled at Baker. Barbara is an eighth grade student and Charles is a third grader.
Mrs. V. C. Smart, new co-sponsor of Travis Future Nurses of America and Mrs. F. Murphy Nelson from the Austin Medical Auxiliary met Tuesday with representatives from Seton, Brackenridge, and American Red Cross Chapters of Austin to develop a training program for future nurses. Hospital orientation training for sophomores is to begin early in October. For those interested in this project, information regarding membership will be made available when the high school club program is activated. Temporary officers of the Travis Chapter are: Myrna Orr, president; Sharon Rhodes, vice-president; Doris Hudson, secretary; Julia Light, treasurer; and Mickey Sue Brewer, historian.
Chuggy Horton emceed a variety show staged by the Thespians of the Scarlet Masque Wednesday morning. The show highlighted magic tricks by Bennett Averyt. Connie Todd gave a real swingin' arrangement of "Hands Off" and was accompanied by Fred Knorre on guitar, Kenneth Southwell on bass, and Frank Ray on drums. Judy Griffin's "My True Love" featured the same accompaniment. This girl is really coming into prominence as a Travis songbird. Sterling Miller, a sophomore who has appeared on "Now Dig This," did a really great pantomime of "Splish Splash." This boy is good! To have had as late a start in preparation as 3:45 the day before, this group turned out a performance above all expectations of the cast.
Rebel football season officially opened with a pep rally Friday. Led by Nancy Thomas, head cheerleader, and Johnny Roberts, Nancy Sappington, Janet Bailey, Lenora Ward, Judy Bryson and Judy Barker, other yell leaders, plus the ranks of the Rebelettes and the band, the student body gave the Rebels a big send-off as they left for Corpus Christi to meet their first opponents of the season, Carroll of Corpus Christi.
Updated 12/19/24
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Death |
Sincere condolences are extended to our classmate
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Adelle Sylvester
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
It breaks my heart to tell of the death of Mason R
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
Our hearts go out to classmate Herbert (Buddy) Sla
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
I've been notified that Margaret Gage Jordan's hus
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
With great sadness I report that Roy Rushing, belo
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
I've just become aware of the death of Carolyn Ree
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
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