Wm. B. Travis High School 1960
This site is operated and funded by members of our class.
Class Administrator: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Page Hits: 80,207
Class News
Death of Trudy Reynolds Wiley
My heart aches on hearing of the death of Trudy Reynolds Wiley on September 23 at her home in Zorn, TX.
Trudy was born in Austin, TX, on March 17, 1942, the eldest born to Elizabeth Dee Ky
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Parting thoughts from George Bruce Mading
Bruce, GB, George, Dad, Pop...
No matter what you called him (or what he called YOU), we know George would have been the first to say he lived an extraordinary life with an extraordinary pa
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Death of Freda Crawford Brown
I apologize for this late posting of the death of Freda Crawford Brown on August 11, 2018. It was incorrectly posted in the "Class Message Board" section.
Freda is survived by her husband,
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Today's Featured Biography
Dena Powell Moore
After leaving Travis, I went to college one year, left and went to work and back to college for another year before I gave it up and pursued other things which began my passion in accounting. In 1966, I moved to Dallas where I worked for a large financial corporation followed by two CPA firms and an advertising agency. In 1969, I finally met my true love and we married in 1970. Tom was a true entrepreneur having owned and operated a ski club when we met which led to our running the first charter trip to the Superbowl for the Cowboys in 1971 and several more in the years to follow. Shortly after we married I went to work for the largest law firm in town :Wynne, Jaffe & Tinsley, as the personal bookkeeper for the senior partners. I left there after 3 1/2 years when I got pregnant with our first child. As soon as I left I went to the TWA Travel Agents School in Kansas City for 2 weeks while being 6months pregnant. My husband had started a travel agency the previous year and I was training in order to work with him so we could travel. After traveling to various places worldwide for almost ten years, we decided to sell and I found I was pregnant with our second child just before the sell was completed. A year earlier, my husband had started an international film and TV program distribution company. I joined him in that business when our son was two and we are still doing it. While I was a late bloomer, I think I made up for any time lost and we have had and are having “a wonderful life”.
We will celebrate our 40th anniversary later this year. Updated 1/27/14-- still working full time and still married to the same great guy.
3/22/17=everything same except we now have a 1yr old granddaughter-- our first--and such a joy added to our lives.
In September 1954, The American Statesman started a column called "Tri-High Scoop". A student from each high school wrote about the happenings at their school and then it was published in the Sunday paper. Each school had a "catchy" name, Austin was Maroon Musings, McCallum was 'Callum Clues and Travis was Travis Drawl. Enjoy reading about the days when you were at Travis.
Travis Drawl By Mike Hinton October 5, 1958
Student Council activities head this week's news from Rebelland. The Student Directory is ready to go to press as soon as a cover is drafted. The cover will be designed by some student of Travis, as it is each year. Also, the contract has been let to enclose our "breezy" breezeway. This open walkway between buildings has plagued girls with long hair and full skirts on windy days ever since Travis was opened. Through our Student Council, a TV set was procured from Clyde Hill's TV & Appliances so our avid baseball fans may watch the World Series during the lunch periods. We appreciate this gesture very much, Mr. Hill.
Halloween activities at the State Hospitals will be brightened by gifts and prizes from the Student Council of Travis.
Thursday the run-off was held in election of class officers. Senior officers are: Jimmy Rogers, president; Johnny Polvado, vice-president; Nancy Thomas, secretary; Nancy Sappington, treasurer; sergeant-at-arms, Jesse Johnson. Junior officers are: president, Andy Crites; vice-president, Larry Hibler; secretary, Ruthann Bray; treasurer, Janet Bailey; sergeant-at-arms, George Coble. Sophomore officers are: president, Dickie Francis; vice-president, Glenda Vick; secretary, Candy Challstrom; treasurer, Leroy Bush; sergeant-at-arms, Jim Bock.
Travis Club Program is now in full swing after the first meetings of last Thursday. The club list includes: The Ballroom Dancing Club sponsored by Mrs. Frances Davis, Mrs. Irene Falk, Mr. Jack Allison, and Mrs. Carmen Ferris; Chess Club, Mr. Frank Guffin; Dance Band, Mr. Ed Holt; Distributive Education, Mr. Harvey O'Briant; FFA, Mr. Tom Branyon, Pan American Student Forum (PASF), Mrs. Margaret Adey; Popular Music I, Miss Mary Elizabeth Ownsby; Popular Music II, Miss Josie Champion; Press Club, Mrs. Frances Hall; and Sodalitas Classica sponsored by Mrs. Mildred Hatch. Two new clubs have been added: Future Teachers Club sponsored by Mrs. Christina Holmes, and the Intramural Officiating Club under the directorship of Mrs. Rosemary Leonard. The Future Nurses Club became the Nurses & Allied Medical Fields Club to cover a broader scope. Miss Mona Jarrell is the sponsor of this group.
Preliminary and final tryouts for "Years Ago" were held last week by the Thespians of the Scarlet Masque. Over 35 hopefuls read the parts in the forthcoming production.
Travis students, new to Austin Public Schools, were given a series of tests during the past week. Tests lasted four and one-half hours and encompassed subjects of reading, mathematics and mental maturity.
Remember the Rebel Booster Carnival, December 7th. We are hoping this carnival will raise additional funds needed for the big projects to be undertaken this year.
Updated 2/11/25
Family News Summary
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Anniversary, Award, Birth, Death, Diagnosis, Engagement, Graduation,
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Death |
Sincere condolences are extended to our classmate
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Adelle Sylvester
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
It breaks my heart to tell of the death of Mason R
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
Our hearts go out to classmate Herbert (Buddy) Sla
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
I've been notified that Margaret Gage Jordan's hus
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
With great sadness I report that Roy Rushing, belo
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
Death |
I've just become aware of the death of Carolyn Ree
Posted by: Patricia Gurley Schmitz
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