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This site is operated and funded by members of our class.
Class Administrator: Cindy Ceschi Kraus
Page Hits: 11,484
Event Announcement!
Successful 54th Reunion at the Rotary Corn & Brat
Rotary Corn & Brat in Walworth WI
Our 54th Reunion was held at the Rotary Corn & Brat event in Walworth WI.
Thanks to the 15 classmates who attended.
Jack Heyer
Steve Schnitcke
Terry Daniels
Bud Nichols
Ruth Chism
Mike Matteson
Margaret Ontl
Bob Wiedenhoeft
Sherry Fleming
Steve Kinney
Bruce Swanson
Dan Sheldon
Jack Millar
Larry Quist
Cindy Ceschi
Jack Heyer, Ruth Chism, and Bruce Swanson traveled all the way from Florida to join us. A special thank you to Sherry for arranging the covered pavilion area for us, and to Steve Schnitcke for displaying our class sign which he made for our class a few years ago.
Florida Get Together 4th Annual
2025 - 2:00 pm
Winter Garden FL (about 30 minutes NW of Orlando)
Another successful FL reunion was held at the home of Richard and Linda Ferguson in Lake City, FL on March 2nd, 2024. They arranged appetizers, a buffet at their clubhouse, a jazz/blues band (reminded me of Sweet Albert!), and dessert. Besides Richard & his wife Linda, classmates Phil Cerny, Joanne Slavin, Cindy Ceschi-Kraus, Ruth Chism, Bruce Swanson, Sherry Fleming Fickau, Jack Heyer (and their spouses) enjoyed the weekend of festivities. A BIG thank you to Richard & Linda for all their work organizing the event! Bruce & Marty Swanson announced that they will be hosting the FL get together next year for the BFHS Class of 1970 and 1971 on March 1,2025. Marty is a graduate of the BFHS Class of 1971.
The following 27 classmates have no email or US mail address on file with me. If you know of their whereabouts please email their information to me, or have the classmate email me at [email protected].
Dalton, Patricia ; Malmin, Debra ; Terry, Kristine
Gardener, Penny ; Miller, William
Forsythe, Dennis ; Patnaude, Geraldine
Garnet, Louis ; Plante, David ; Walstra, Jill
Giles, Howard ; Reese, Robert ; Wissell, Nancy
Hanson, Linda ; Rogge, Lynn ; Rohner, Lynn
Rossmiller, Pam ; Schwartz, Marion
Kohler, John ; Seidell, Sue
Lader, Dawn ; Sellgren, Randy
Lewis, Dale ; Smith, Joan
Lottiig, Dana ; Hall, Cheryl
Louanne Christianson
I still work at Lakeland School of Walworth Co. in the adult Life Skills for You program. My husband, Dale, is still repairing and restoring vintage English motorcycles. On June 1st, I got a new hip and am spending the summer recuperating.
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"Just discovered your product today while trying to locate classmates ahead of our 50th reunion in 2020. The fact that you did this in a noncommercial manner in a world where everything has a price tag deserves recognition and respect, in my view.
Thank you and good luck in all your endeavors."
"THANKYOU so much for handling this for us! We are so appreciative! It looks GREAT!"
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"Your site is amazing. Kudos to you and your staff. You have benefitted so many high school alumni in organizing their class reunions."
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